Capstone – Project

University model for wellbeing and social emotional learning analytics and visualization

A Collaboration Between

Engagement Synopsis

School Day generates and processes vast amounts of K-12 student wellbeing data. Our model, data and AI are backed by leading Finnish research. Why is this important? Because without wellbeing, students don’t learn to their fullest potential. We will be kicking of our first schools and districts on the East Coast in Spring 2020. The goal of this engagement is to use the data model from the K-12 tool to help the company create the “University Wellbeing Tool” so the company can expand into higher-ed in the coming academic year. A detailed plan in Key Milestones and Project Process.

Company Information

CompanySchool Day
Revenue100,000 - 500,000,
StageEstablished Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects

Company Overview

AI-enhanced School Wellbeing Solution for K-12 Education. School Day amplifies student voice and makes wellbeing a natural part of every school day. A fun, safe and engaging solution for students to tell their teachers’ how they are feeling. Analytics and insights that make wellbeing phenomena visible early on for actionable light touch classroom interventions. Real-time wellbeing data for schools, districts and educators to make intelligent choices based on the connections between wellbeing phenomena, learning results and academic success. Learning doesn’t happen without wellbeing.

Course Info & Engagement Details

SchoolStevens Institute of Technology, School of Business Industry Capstone Program
Engagement FormatCapstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in small groups of 2-6 directly with faculty and host company project champions on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
CourseSpring 2020 MBA Capstone
  • All Graduate
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment8-15 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment2 Hours
Duration13.14 Weeks

Project Topics




[email protected]

Collaboration Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type
Engagement Kickoff

Engagement Kickoff

February 3rd, 2020 Event na
Complete Kickoff Evaluation

Complete Kickoff Evaluation

Survey link:
February 6th, 2020 Event na
Kickoff Webinar

Kickoff Webinar

Meeting link:
February 7th, 2020 Event na
Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Survey link:
March 3rd, 2020 Event na
Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Survey link:
April 6th, 2020 Event na
Submit Final Deliverable Submit Final Deliverable
May 21st, 2020 Submission Required submission-required
Engagement End

Engagement End

May 22nd, 2020 Event na
Complete Final Peer Evaluation

Complete Final Peer Evaluation

Survey link:
May 24th, 2020 Event na
Complete Final Self Evaluation

Complete Final Self Evaluation

Survey link:
May 24th, 2020 Event na

Key Milestones & Project Process

  • February 4, 2020 - Understand the School Day Product, Business Model, and Mission

    Get Up-To-Speed on School Day’s current product and business model aimed at the 7-15 year-old audience:

    • What is motivation and benefits for student to use this type of service?
    • Who is the customer? Who are the key stakeholders? (Compare student and administrator user experience)
    • What data is being collected?
    • How is the data being used and analyzed?
    • What are the positive use cases and outcomes so far?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Prepare for an in-person Q&A session with School Day Team @ February 4th 1:00 – 3:00 PM

  • March 6, 2020 - Adapt School Day Model to Post-Secondary Student Audience

    Why would universities be interested in a product like School Day?

    • Why would institutions want a product/service like this?
    • What phenomena are important to Universities that are currently missing from School Day’s model?
    • What phenomena is in the School Day model that are not important for University students?

    Define key phenomena for University model:

    • Choose a working list of phenomena and sub-phenomena to analyze
    • Rank the importance of each
    • Provide example questions for how to measure each of the phenomena

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Present data outline and value propositions for schools.

  • April 3, 2020 - Design Data Collection Method and Feedback Model

    How often should students need to answer these questions to make the data most useful? What kind of tools would suite them best to answer these questions?

    • Mobile, Web, MS Teams, Slack, etc.

    How often and in what form should the students receive feedback when using the School day tool?

    • How will the students visualize personal feedback

    How can School Day provide feedback base on data collected to teachers and administrators?

    • Develop visualization of feedback to teachers/principals

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Present best options for data collection and student/administrator feedback visualizations

  • May 5, 2020 - Test Out School Day Model for Higher-Ed Audience

    • What data has been collected? What data is easy to collect? What data is challenging to collect?
    • Is there enough data to build an informed model?
    • How can this data be connected with performance data from throughout the institution? Where is that data being housed?
    • What types of privacy concerns exist for the higher-ed system?
    • Who is the most ideal user for this type of data? What type of dashboard would they need?
    • Do the students find this process useful? Impactful? Effective? Informative? Would they use it?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Present final results to the School Day team

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Company Supervising Team

There are currently no supervisors assigned.

School Supervisors


Khasha Dehnad

[email protected]


Frank Gallucci

[email protected]


Pat Saporito

[email protected]


Alkiviadis Vazacopoulos

[email protected]


Saptaparna Gupta

[email protected]