Company Name: Hoboken Hospitality Alliance (HOHA)
Faculty Advisor: Khasha Dehnad
Students will work with local businesses and restauranteurs who strive to create a single restaurant platform that allows them to collaborate to both operate and market more effectively. The goal of this single platform is to create an experience that best serves all customers and is user friendly for staff. Growing a restaurant/brand can be difficult which is why our goal is to have businesses collaborate in order to share experiences and succeed together. Students will also work with a technical team to help grow companies’ user base in Hoboken, NJ and assist them with a successful and efficient launch of marketing campaigns. Students will also market this to the residents of Hoboken, NJ and onboard local restaurants and establishments, and suggest innovative ideas for growing and improving the application.
The scope of this project includes:
- To promote Community Delivery services among local residents
- Gather insights from the client(s) data
- Clean and filter the gathered data for promotions
- Run Text and email promotion campaigns
- Create surveys for clients for accurate & complete data collection
Project objectives/deliverables for the summer:
Identify at least 2,000 (two thousand) emails and/or phone numbers for target customers, within 5 square miles of the clients’ businesses
Utilizing clients’ infrastructure, students will develop two (2) email marketing campaigns during the summer period with the goal of increasing traffic to the clients’ websites by 5%.
Design at least two promotional coupons
Preform AB testing on the above promotions.
Students will develop a project plan within first two weeks of the project for achieving the above.
Resources and Responsibilities:
Students will be responsible for the development of the promotional materials and execution of the campaigns.
The infrastructure for executing the campaign will be the responsibility of the clients
Students and clients will make themselves available for at least a half an hour every week during the project life cycle.
Skill Requirements:
Familiarity with quantitative and statistical concepts
Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to interact well with all levels of management
Ability to work with large datasets
Team player with the ability to build productive relationships
Business writing and presentation skills Knowledge of project management
Strong technical skills in Microsoft Office and data visualization tools
If you have any additional questions about this project description, please email Christina Sargiss at [email protected] for support.
Company Information
Company | Company H |
HQ | N/A |
Revenue | N/A |
Employees | Unlisted |
Stage | Small Business |
Hiring Potential | N/A |
Website |
Company Overview
Course Info & Engagement Details
School | Stevens Institute of Technology, School of Business Industry Capstone Program |
Engagement Format | Capstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in small groups of 2-6 directly with faculty and host company project champions on developing real solutions to real-world challenges. |
Course | Summer 2022 Industry Capstone Program |
Level |
Students Enrolled | TBD |
Meeting Day & Time | TBD |
Student Time Commitment | 4-7 Hours Per Week |
Company Time Commitment | 2 Hours |
Duration | 14.14 Weeks |
Project Topics

Collaboration Timeline
Touchpoints & Assignments | Due Date | Type | |
Application for Summer 2022 Opens!
Application for Summer 2022 Opens!
The application for the Industry Capstone Program, for Summer 2022, opens on April 29th. All interested students must submit their application by May 9th at 11:59 PM (at the latest). All selected students will be matched to a project and provided with onboarding & registration information before May 19th (first day of classes). To apply, students must first complete our google form (linked below) and then upload a copy of their resume via CapSource (also below). If you have any questions, please email [email protected] for support!
April 29th, 2022 | Event na | |
Summer 2022 Application Step 1: Google Form
Summer 2022 Application Step 1: Google Form
All interested students must complete two steps, in order to apply for Summer 2022 projects:
Step 1: Complete our google form here:
Step 2: Return to CapSource and upload a PDF version of your one-page, professional resume (below)
Once you complete this form & submit your resume, you will receive a confirmation email from [email protected] within 24-72 hours (this does not include weekends - any applications submitted on Saturdays/Sundays will receive a confirmation email on the following Monday).
May 9th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation | |
Summer 2022 Application Step 2: Resume Upload
Summer 2022 Application Step 2: Resume Upload
Please submit a copy of your resume here (PDF version & one page).
May 9th, 2022 | Submission Required submission-required | |
First Day of Classes for Summer 2022!
First Day of Classes for Summer 2022!
Prior to the first day of classes, all selected students will have registered for the correct section of MGT 809 & received all relevant onboarding information from Christina Sargiss. Throughout the semester, you will continue to utilize CapSource to upload important files and submit feedback regarding your faculty advisor, team, and corporate partner. If you ever run into any issues with the CapSource website, please email Christina Sargiss at [email protected]
May 19th, 2022 | Event na | |
Important Closures & Holidays
Important Closures & Holidays
May 19th: First Day of Classes
Monday, May 30th: No meetings/class (Memorial Day)
Monday, June 20th: No meetings/class (Juneteenth)
Monday, July 4th: No meetings/class (Independence Day)
August 19th: Last Day of Classes
May 19th, 2022 | Event na | |
Pre-Kickoff Self Assessment
Pre-Kickoff Self Assessment
Please complete the following: Kickoff Self Assessment Survey
May 20th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation | |
Temperature Check 1
Temperature Check 1
Please complete the following survey: Temperature Check 1
June 29th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation | |
Mid-Term Presentations
Mid-Term Presentations
All students will participate in mid-term presentations (virtual). The mid-term presentations are a great opportunity for students to practice their public speaking skills, and showcase their statement of work, deliverables, and goals for the project. Students will create a PowerPoint presentation and speak for 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. This event is only open to School of Business faculty & staff. Corporate partners are only invited to final presentations in August! Christina Sargiss will email all students with presentation information, in early June.
July 11th, 2022 | Event na | |
Mid-Term Presentation Upload
Mid-Term Presentation Upload
Please have one member, per project team, upload a copy of your PowerPoint presentation here.
July 15th, 2022 | Submission Required submission-required | |
Temperature Check 2
Temperature Check 2
Please complete the following survey: Temperature Check 2
July 29th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation | |
Final Presentations
Final Presentations
All students will participate in final presentations (virtual). The final presentations are a great opportunity for students to showcase their end of semester outcomes. Students will create a PowerPoint presentation and speak for 15 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. This event is open to corporate partners and School of Business faculty & staff. Christina Sargiss will email all students with presentation information, in early June.
August 15th, 2022 | Event na | |
Final Presentation Upload
Final Presentation Upload
Please have one member, per project team, upload a copy of your PowerPoint presentation here.
August 19th, 2022 | Submission Required submission-required | |
Last Day of Classes for Summer 2022!
Last Day of Classes for Summer 2022!
Congratulations on completing the course MGT 809: Industry Capstone Program. You can now list this experience under the 'Academic Projects' section of your resume, and share your real-world experience with recruiters and hiring managers!
Please join our LinkedIn group, to stay connected with fellow ICP students and faculty advisors!
August 19th, 2022 | Event na | |
Post Engagement Self Evaluation Survey
Post Engagement Self Evaluation Survey
Please complete the following survey: Post Engagement Self Evaluation
August 19th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation | |
Post Engagement Peer Evaluation Survey
Post Engagement Peer Evaluation Survey
Please complete the following survey: Post Engagement Peer Evaluation
August 19th, 2022 | Evaluation evaluation |
Key Milestones & Project Process
Project Resources
There are no resources currently available
Company Supervising Team
There are currently no supervisors assigned.
School Supervisors