Capstone – Project

Market, Competitor, and Customer Research

A Collaboration Between

Engagement Synopsis

Paperstreet is working to help startup companies better communicate with interested investors. Their platform is tailored to accelerator and incubator programs so that their companies can better secure investments both during and after their formal programs. The team is looking for help researching the competitive landscape, including pricing and key features, as well as an overview of the market size and target audience.

Company Information

HQNew York
StageEstablished Startup
Hiring PotentialFollow-on Projects

Company Overview

We leverage a global network of advisors, Angel investors, and Venture Capitalists to get startups off the ground.

Course Info & Engagement Details

SchoolStevens Institute of Technology, School of Business Industry Capstone Program
Engagement FormatCapstone - Small Team Consulting Project - Students work in small groups of 2-6 directly with faculty and host company project champions on developing real solutions to real-world challenges.
CourseSpring 2020 MBA Capstone
  • All Graduate
Students EnrolledN/A
Meeting Day & TimeN/A
Student Time Commitment8-15 Hours Per Week
Company Time Commitment2 Hours
Duration13.14 Weeks

Project Topics


There are currently no students assigned.

Collaboration Timeline

Touchpoints & Assignments Due Date Type
Engagement Kickoff

Engagement Kickoff

February 3rd, 2020 Event na
Complete Kickoff Evaluation

Complete Kickoff Evaluation

Survey link:
February 6th, 2020 Event na
Kickoff Webinar

Kickoff Webinar

Meeting link:
February 7th, 2020 Event na
Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Survey link:
March 3rd, 2020 Event na
Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Complete Temperature Check Evaluation

Survey link:
April 6th, 2020 Event na
Submit Final Deliverable Submit Final Deliverable
May 21st, 2020 Submission Required submission-required
Engagement End

Engagement End

May 22nd, 2020 Event na
Complete Final Peer Evaluation

Complete Final Peer Evaluation

Survey link:
May 24th, 2020 Event na
Complete Final Self Evaluation

Complete Final Self Evaluation

Survey link:
May 24th, 2020 Event na

Key Milestones & Project Process

  • February 14, 2020 - Get Up-To-Speed on Paperstreet Product

    • What is Paperstreet designed to do?
    • Who might be able to use software like Paperstreet? For what?
    • How does the company measure effectiveness?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Get ready a Q&A session with Paperstreet’s leadership

  • March 6, 2020 - Outline the Competitive Landscape and Industry

    • Focus on companies that offer similar services to startups…
      • Who are the key players?
      • What features do they offer that makes their software unique?
      • How are competitors pricing out their businesses?
      • Who are the key target customers for those companies?
    • Who are the larger key existing players that serve similar a similar audience?
      • Should we flag any of these entities as potential  acquirers?
      • Quicken, Pitchbook, Angelist… come to mind!

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Develop a competitive and industry landscape based on product and business model

  • April 3, 2020 - Analyze the Market Size & Go-To-Market Plan

    • Who are the potential customers for a product like Paperstreet?
    • How large is the TAM, SAM, and SOM?
    • Why do they need the product?
    • What key features are most important to those audiences?
    • Would they be willing to pay? If so, what should be the pricing model?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Propose a go-to-market strategy

  • April 23, 2020 - Develop Out the Business Plan

    • How does the company go-to-market and scale their sales?
    • How do you their target audience?
    • What key features do you pitch to that audience?
    • What case studies make the most sense to showcase to that customer segment?
    • How should the company price the product?
    • What’s a feasible financial model based on the pricing and growth strategy?

    Suggested Deliverable:

    Summarizing all findings into a final pitch deck and financial model

Project Resources

There are no resources currently available

Company Supervising Team

There are currently no supervisors assigned.

School Supervisors


Khasha Dehnad

[email protected]


Frank Gallucci

[email protected]


Pat Saporito

[email protected]


Alkiviadis Vazacopoulos

[email protected]


Saptaparna Gupta

[email protected]