Announcing the IACBE 2020-2021 Live Case Competition Series
The International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) is partnering with CapSource Education, once again, to offer a series of Live Case Competition Experiences based on real business challenges.
IACBE and CapSource are synergistically dedicated to spreading high-impact experiential learning practices to their community of educational institutions that are teaching and learning focused.
This year, we are offering THREE HIGH-IMPACT GLOBAL LIVE CASE COMPETITIONS for schools and their students throughout the 20-21 academic year…
New This Year — Fall Scholastic Live Case Competition Kit
Early Bird Pricing: $500 (through August 1st)
Virtual Kickoff: September 14th – Virtual Awards Ceremony: October 28th
The Fall Scholastic Live Case Competition Kit enables schools, for the first time ever, to engage more students through experiential learning by running a Live Case Competition locally for their school community.
With this new “plug and play” experience, CapSource and IACBE are empowering schools to organize a Live Case Competition (in-person or virtual) within their institution for the first time ever.
All the materials (including the Case Challenge, Live Company Updates, Q&A Sessions, and Judges Grading Rubrics) are packaged together to make administering a scholastic Live Case Competition easier to coordinate and manage than ever before.
The Live Case Kit materials and experience can be used as capstone curriculum, an extracurricular community development offering, or as a way to prep and select a student team for the Fall Virtual Live Case Competition (see below).
While the competition should be judged locally within your university, CapSource and the host company will also wrap up the competition by recognizing the top three deliverables submitted from teams all around the world. To qualify for the grand prizes, final deliverables must include a 3-minute explainer video and a 2-10-page executive memo + appendix.
Fall 2020 Interscholastic Virtual Live Case Competition
Early Bird Pricing: $700 (through September 30th)
Virtual Kickoff: November 2nd – Virtual Awards Ceremony: December 4th
This November 2020, CapSource and IACBE will once again host a Fall Virtual Live Case Competition!
Teams of 4-students from IACBE or Non-IACBE member schools will compete in a completely virtual Live Case Competition. These students will be tasked with solving a real business challenge for a real company.
The month-long competition kicks off with a webinar with the host company, followed by a private office hours session for each student group. The competition culminates with the students’ final deliverables (a 10-minute live presentation plus 2-10 page executive memo + appendix) to be judged by a panel of business leaders, academics, and host company executives.
This is the second year that CapSource is hosting a Fall Virtual Live Case Competition. Our Fall 2019 case tasked students with creating a go-to-market plan in the US for Munevo, a startup that empowers people with disabilities by using new and innovative technology. Click the above link to explore the Live Case details, student deliverables, and competition results.
Fall Live Case Bundle
Pricing: $1,000 (through August 1st)
Interested in the Live Case Kit + the Fall Virtual Interscholastic Live Case Competition?
IACBE member schools ONLY have an exclusive offering to purchase the Fall Live Case Competition Kit and the Fall Virtual Live Case Competition for a discounted price.
Hallmark Interscholastic Live Case Competition: Spring 2021 ACAM
Early Bird Pricing: $2,000 (through December 31st)
Virtual Kickoff: March 8th – Awards Ceremony: April 15th
We are continuing our tradition of live case competitions by hosting the 10th Annual ACAM Live Case Competition Experience, offered in conjunction with IACBE’s Annual Conference, which is planned for Orlando, Florida, in April of 2021.
In addition to the Live Case Competition, student teams will engage in special professional development sessions, networking events, and an exciting excursion in Orlando!
Case materials will be available for student teams in February of 2021, followed by a kickoff webinar and virtual company office hours in March. The competition concludes with the students’ written memo and final presentation to the host company’s executives during the conference.
Last year, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Spring 2020 Live Case Competition shifted entirely to a virtual format (similar to the Fall 2019 Virtual Case Competition with Munevo).
Student teams from eight universities were tasked with defining a B2B growth strategy and marketing plan for Coinsource, the world’s leader in Bitcoin ATMs. Click the above link to view the case materials and read more about the outcomes.
Why participate?
These turnkey experiential learning opportunities are a powerful way for schools to prepare students for the professional work environment. Students will be able to learn how to work with a team and practice using soft skills and technical skills to deliver real outcomes to real stakeholders that need assistance solving timely business challenges.
Not only is this a great learning experience, it’s also a great resume booster for the students.
After the experience, students are awarded a certificate of completion, detailing an overview of their experience working on developing real outcomes for business leaders. They can use this certificate in addition to their final deliverables as tangible examples of how they’re capable of delivering meaningful outcomes with little oversight under a tight timeline.
Simply stated, these are the types of experiences the students will be able to reflect on, reference as they jumpstart their careers.
Next Thursday, June 18th at 12:00 – 1:00 pm, join us in our upcoming webinar, and learn more about the formats and timelines for the IACBE Live Competition Series. We look forward to including last year’s company host Coinsource, as well as the faculty mentor and a student from the winning Oregon Tech team of the Spring ACAM competition, in the conversation. Register for the competition here: http://icp.stevens.edu/webinar/.
Also, click here check out this week’s webinar recording with IACBE about “The Role Institutions Play in Building [Virtual] Internship Capacity.”
View past student deliverables and testimonials here.
Ready to get started? Want to learn more?
Early Bird Registration is open now for all three of the case competitions.
Special pricing is available for all IACBE member institutions, but all Live Case Experiences are open for all educational institutions.
Register and learn more by visiting our IACBE Page or scheduling a discussion with our team!